The Keys To The Kingdom

Your power will begin to take root as the direct result of an articulated truth.

When we share our truth, we give silent permission to the person beside us (who may not have the words yet) to do the same.

Because truth is a key.

It’s the unlabeled key you find at the bottom of your junk drawer. The one you didn’t need to put a label on because you told yourself you’d remember which door it opened.

But then years pass, the truth stays in the drawer, and all the doors around you seem to shut slowly and quietly, almost without you noticing.

When you finally find it again, la chiave, and turn it over in your palm, touch the ridges with your fingertips, and try to remember which lock it fits into, you realize you may have to test this key, this truth, in all the doors of your life to see which one it unlocks.

And you might be surprised which door eventually swings open.


A tiny love letter to disappearing

